Who's Who?

Rotating Neighborhood Planning Committee Co-Chairs/Coordinators:
Jim Jones
Diane Southworth
John McCarthy

Web Coordinators:
John McCarthy and Micaela Schweitzer-Bluhm
If you would like to contribute information to the CPNG Website, please contact John and Micaela (john.mccarthy@comcast.net and toddandmica@yahoo.com)

CPNG Planning Committee
There are currently about 14 active members of the Planning Committee.  Agendas and minutes are sent out to about 30 people (some in adjacent neighborhood groups) who have requested to be included.  We meet about once a month.  

If you would like to participate in the Planning Committee, please email john.mccarthy@comcast.net.  

The CPNG Planning Committee maintains a list of neighborhood residents and their emergency contact information for use in the event of an emergency for accountability purposes.  If you wish to be added or to add or subtract individual types of contact information for your entry, please send an email to john.mccarthy@comcast.net.

If you don't already have a Google account, you can easily create one free at http://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin

Once you have a google account, please send it to the web coordinator, who will add it to the list of accounts that can access our restricted neighborhood documents.