Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mission Statement 
The Campus Parnassus Neighborhood Group -- CPNG -- was initially formed in response to the 1989 earthquake and the 1991 Oakland fire.  The primary purpose of the group is to assist the neighborhood in responding to future disasters.  The group also works to coordinate with adjacent neighborhoods (including Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) and City of Berkeley officials and personnel in responding to other neighborhood concerns, such as Crime Watch, sheltering in place, and street maintenance.  Click here for more on the specific activities and objectives of the CPNG.  
The CPNG needs everyone’s help.
  • Emergency preparation begins at home -- be prepared.
  • Be familiar with CPNG recommendations on what to do in an emergency.
  • Participate in neighborhood meetings and on our planning committee.
  • Take City of Berkeley CERT training classes.
(revised 5/1/20)